Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. We review these products after doing a lot of research, we check all features and recommend the best products only.
Are you worried?
Do you check your stats every day?
Are you looking to increase your website traffic?
Listen, you'll get traffic…
Trust me, by the end of this article, you will be able to understand how to survive as a website owner.
If you're a blogger, you must be happy because you got a whole heap of solutions that are not available to static site owners.
I'm talking about customization options, plugins, theme changing features, etc.
So, now if your biggest scare is the website traffic, then let me tell you something.
The traffic will waste if you don't know what to do with the traffic. In fact, now internet marketers and website owners try to engage the audience to keep them in the loop to offer them more options.
We'll dig deeper into this later on.
Let the genie out of the bottle.
I have to take care of every type of reader. I know many new bloggers and starters will read this article too, so to keep everything together in the process, I should explain the basic things first before proceeding to the heavy stuff.
What is Website Traffic?
The website traffic means the number of people who visit a website on a daily, monthly, or annual basis.
Normally blogs and websites record and analyze their daily and monthly visitors. The website traffic becomes so essential when it comes to analyzing the website conversion rate.
Why does a visitor visit the website?
A visitor visits any specific website or blog to learn something, gain knowledge, or to get entertained by the given data and insights.
It could be any type and form of data required by the audience that fulfills the desire. Every website's audience is different from the other website.
3 Main Reasons for Getting Traffic
Following are the three essential elements of getting website traffic:
1. Delivery of value
When you have something to deliver which counts as valuable, you're likely to get traffic. Now traffic is itself a huge concept.
There are different forms of website traffic such as organic traffic, referral traffic, social media traffic, and paid traffic.
Every type of traffic requires some value to be delivered to the audience to gain the trust of visitors as well as the platform.
2. Popularity of Brand
The acceptability of the product ensures the website traffic.
Have you ever searched for your favorite brand's products on Google?
People search for Facebook covers, Adobe Photoshop, iPhone devices, and such things because, they know the favorite brands and products, which is why they look for the specific products or brands to learn more about them or directly buy them.
3. Insights and Research
This could be a little level reason of why some blogs and websites get traffic.
Many of the websites offer a lot of information, stats, and research-based content that helps the audience, and that's what they need from these sites.
Many bloggers use in-depth article format and support their points with examples and research findings, which resonates with the audience, and they start following those bloggers, which means they not only do read it, but they also share the content with social media contacts.
By now, you probably have got some idea how things work here. You will find out much more in the rest of the article, and by the end of this post, you would be pretty much clear about reaching to the newer audience for your blog.
Before we proceed to a how-to guide on traffic, you must know a very important aspect of website traffic. It is the source of your traffic. The purpose of telling you is that you get to know some facts that how people arrive on your website.
Sources of Website Traffic
The common sources of website traffic list will help you understand the floodgate of the website traffic. In this way, you will be able to learn and implement a better strategy:
Search Engines: Search engines provide free traffic to our websites. The difficult part is that you have to make your website competitive to become an authority in the specific niche to reach the target audience.
Search engines provide free traffic, but it doesn't mean you will get traffic ever time you publish an article. A bunch of rules and regulations determine which links are to be displayed earlier than the others, and this happens quickly.
Social Media: Social Media is certainly another source of traffic for any website and blog.
This shows that your content must be engaging and helpful for the audience, once you get there and start doing it, you will get a great outcome.
Social media sites aren't just about sharing your content. Instead, they require you to reshare others' content, admire others, and start building relationships with other content creator and social media friends.
Referral Content: This is a type of traffic that transfers the visitor from one page to another page. Whenever a website is mentioned somewhere, it normally redirects the visitors to that website.
Backlinks: The backlinks are considered the backbone of the whole SEO strategy. These backlinks not only just increase the site authority, but it also gives extra traffic to your website. You'll always find SEO experts emphasizing on the strategies that build backlinks.
Word-of-mouth: This is one of the most important sources of free traffic. Suppose, you impressed someone with your blog, and now you start telling him/her the real success story behind your success.
When you explain that how someone helped you expand your business and grow your blog, he will ultimately want to follow the mentors you have worked with or look forward to meeting the person behind your success.
How to Get Traffic on Your Website
Here is the step-by-step method to start getting free traffic to your website:
1: Select the Target Audience
First things first, you have to know who your target audience is. Even though it's a basic step that should be taken before the blog launch, you can't ignore it throughout your blogging and web business journey.
Selecting the audience means deciding WHO TO TARGET.
You must have a clear idea about your audience; if you know your audience, you'll be able to help them accordingly. Step one could be a game-changer for you. You got to follow the right trail to succeed.
That being said, in fact, you can get traffic anyway.
That's not the point, but, what if they (visitors) turn out to be just one-time visitors and they never come back?
People who are new in the business, try to purchase different paid traffic packages from different providers, and they think they might be able to retain them, even half of them, but it will never happen, because this is not how it works.
In fact, there are a few ad companies that pay you for visiting websites. They probably sell the traffic that way. I don't recommend such tricks and short-term methods which turn out to be useless all the times.
Here we talk about BUILDING a strong reader base, not a short-term visitors statistics.
They are like smoke. They vaporize after a few minutes.
So, select your audience wisely. It's an essential step to approaching your audience. Once you know who you want to target, the only target remains is, HOW TO TARGET them.
Got it?
For instance, you sell baby garments (for babies from 1 to 6 months). It means your target audience is pregnant women + new moms. All you need is to target the new mothers with kids from 1 to 6 months old as well as expectant mothers.
2: Choose your Social Media Channels
We already know how important the social media is, and we still struggle…
(Well, most of us)
(okay, a few of us)
The problem is we know the importance of social media, but we lack in the DECISION MAKING.
You'd be like: WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?
Let me tell you, you know all the major social media networks, you have been there for a while now. The problem is that you don't CHOOSE THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS…
Most of us try to be everywhere on social media and end up dominating nowhere.
That is the problem.
You can't be everywhere. However, you can be a SUPER STAR on your favorite social media platforms. This is what I meant. Choose wisely.
You can be on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube or you can be on LinkedIn, Facebook, Slideshare, and Quora.
There isn't any number formula that you can't exceed 3 or 4 networks. You can be anywhere you want but make sure it must be coherent with your business strategy and customer base.
Suppose, if you're a video-editing service or video tools company, and you are using Twitter and LinkedIn and ignoring YouTube and Facebook, and then you might need to think again.
It's you who need to decide what is best for you and where your audience is hanging out.
3: Influencers Engagement
Do you want to get traffic to your website?
Build relationships with influencers. Make them friends. Be their loyal followers. They will notice and keep you in the loop after a while.
This is a growth hijacking strategy. You have to be the consistent and loyal follower of your favorite influencers. Whether they are Entrepreneurial Guru, SEO giants, or Financial Experts, whoever they are or whoever you follow in your field, you have to keep an eye on their videos, articles, podcasts, and infographics…
Follow them, share their content, and leave incredibly thought-provoking comments under their content.
Help their followers to understand your influencers' viewpoint.
They will notice you. They will follow you, and they will fall in love with you.
Because what you're doing is exactly they want from their followers.
People know this. I've seen people doing this everywhere.
You should start doing this right now.
Don't panic. It's not about Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
Just be there wherever you follow those influencers.
And, if you're far behind that line, just hop in, and start following the influencers in your field.
4: Build your Loyal Audience through Email List
At step 4, you might not feel a nudge about this step but you will ultimately thank me in the future for adding this point in this article.
This works.
People on your list trust you, and you have to develop that relation with your list members.
You have built your email list; now I'm going to tell you how it will exactly increase your website traffic.
When you keep on building your email list, it will ultimately increase your website visitors as you will keep on engaging them through your updates and newsletters.
You probably know that email marketing is one of the biggest online marketing strategies in the world.
Every loyal customer or reader doesn't bookmark your blog or website, but almost everyone checks his/her email, once a week or once a month email newsletter to your email list could start getting more people on your website.
People who know your website or company, they could visit again to read a blog post or see an update on your site that you have mentioned in that newsletter.
Normally, the brands create helpful articles to engage the subscribers or existing customers. And, they send those articles through their newsletter. This is how they get their existing visitors or customers back to their websites.
It might look a little fizzy.
But it's not.
Imagine, you're a company, you have different paid and free traffic campaigns are going on and trying to get more and more people onto your website.
You have an email list of people (who subscribed to your newsletter).
Wouldn't it be better if you regularly send them newsletters to get them back to your website?
It would certainly increase the ratio of your regular website visitors.
5: Give Value to Others
At step 5, we will discuss the giving behavior and its results. When you're providing value to the readers, it's going to change their lives.
When it does, they will never forget your brand's name and visit your blog or website again and again.
You probably write great content and trying to help out your readers, if you're an online tool, I'm sure your tool helps lots of people every day, and if you're a service firm, you might be helping your customers to provide the best solutions possible.
We all want more traffic on our websites and blogs.
Do you know why?
Because we all want to grow.
Now, I'll tell you how you can give value to others and grow your business.
If you're not continuously creating the content on your blog, you're making the mistake, and if you're publishing content, then try to make it USEFUL.
You have to create the right message and provide everything possible in the content to make it useful, whether you have to add references, online tools, and relevant articles from other websites.
The readers need to be satisfied, whatever it takes… Do it.
There are two benefits of linking to others' (content and websites):
I. Readers get benefit: The readers love when they find something relevant to the topic, and it helps them. They want to know the solutions and solve their problems.
II. Brands and companies notice: When you add the related tools or exact products that help readers, not only readers like it, the brands you're also mentioning notice and start recognizing your brand. They can share your content on social media too.
6: Use Images in the Content
At step 6, we will analyze pictures and images.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
You probably heard of that. Pictures are important, no one denies it. Pictures and images in the content make it worthwhile, not only do they engage the audience to stay a little longer on the page, but they also help the page to ranked well in the search engines.
It's been seen that the article gets traffic on the specific image, which means if that image weren't there, there would be no traffic on that article. That is why content marketers and SEOs recommend using images in the content.
Canva is a popular tool to create images and graphics to use in the content and web pages.
It shows that how important the images are for getting our articles ranked in the search engines and getting organic traffic.
If someone says that written content and images are two interrelated methods of getting search traffic, then it won't be wrong because both support each other in getting organic traffic and get standalone search traffic as well.
7: Use Online Advertising Tool
The step #7 is a paid form of getting traffic.
This is one of the popular online marketing strategies. However, it doesn't just require to spend some bucks to get your hundreds of leads for your business. You need to be very technical, analytical, and sharp with your online advertising strategy.
In online marketing, online advertising has different levels and methods. You can surely get traffic from paid methods, and if the campaign goes right, you can take your business to the next level.
Although, it solely depends on the experience and efficiency that you put into the advertising campaign, however, it is recommended to test, analyze, and adapt to get better in your online advertising.
You might get a lot of visitors but not sales through one platform and could get a few clicks, but most of the leads turn into paying customers.
Although, every online advertising network asks the advertisers to add the specific measures to identify their demands and provide them quality traffic. This could be a vital source of getting traffic on our websites.
Your Part
Everybody wants to get more visitors.
I tried to explain that visitors aren’t an issue. I just tried to deliver that you have to utilize the website visitors.
If thousands of visitors visit your website in a month, and none of them helps you earn money, how would it benefit you?
Whether you're running a website or a blog, try to create a funnel and a front channel to utilize your visitors, even if they are a few.
In the beginning, people dream of getting thousands of visitors on their websites.
Once their websites grow, their web hosting and maintenance costs increase.
You got to use the best web hosting service when your traffic increases.
The point is, whether you want to get traffic that is of no use, or you're targeting the specifically targeted visitors who turn out to be your customers.
The choice is yours.
Which type of website traffic would you prefer?
A very wonderful post Kulwant,
For most people, one of the hardest aspect of blogging is getting traffic especially for the newbies.
Most of them usually chase it the wrong way and at the end, nothing will be fort coming after which most people usually quit.
But if you follow the basic traffic generation tips on the Internet like the ones you listed here then, there is no way you will not win at the end.
Thanks for sharing
Getting traffic is one of the hardest things in the online industry. But once you know the basics, it’s easy.
I mostly prefer to get 70% of my traffic through Search Engine, rather than to get from any other source including Social Media, because Search Engine users are seems to be more targeted and more loyal, and they can be your potential readers and provide your website more authority. I felt Social Media traffic can be dangerous at some point, and sometime Google too consider it as a invalid traffic. BTW, nice post. Thanks!
Agreed with your point @TechGlobeX. Traffic from the search engine is always preferred. It matters most for AdSense earnings. But one can’t ignore the social media because it helps to get the most desired visibility that you may lack from search engines in the absence of proper SEO. Also, it is one of the constituents for the domain authority.
Nice piece of information kulwant. This is going to help a lot to new bloggers who have just started their blogging. If you have enough time I would love to see an article on keyword research, I never probably understood why its so important.
Grab this FREE guide to learn more about keyword research – https://www.saasultra.com/krd
Being a blogger its neccessary to build organic traffic but most blogger fail to drive traffic to their blogs well ots important to dont understimate seo and link building well written article kulwant thanks for sharing these tips
Certainly an interesting and illuminating piece of information, at least for those who believe in learning never ends. Thanks Kulwant for bringing up such quality stuff and you’ve pulled in all good points from your years of experience into this.
Some of the key points that intrigued me a lot are-
1) The traffic will waste if you don’t know what to do with the traffic. One has to get ready with the next recipe that you want to serve while the visitor is enjoying the regular one.
2) Building an email list of loyal visitors that will ultimately increase the website visitors as you will keep on engaging them through your updates and newsletters.
Before I end – I wish to see you highlighting upon the anatomy of email newsletters and how to bring up a successful newsletter that can win over the audience in your next post, that will be a big help. Though I knew you are too busy to ask for more. 🙂
Hi Kulwant, Awesome post about getting traffic.
Lot of bloggers adopt the wrong practices to get more traffic. you rightly said, “They are like smoke. They vaporize after a few minutes.”
But you have provided really awesome tips to get genuine and organic traffic for your website. I was really struggling to find out the ways on how to get traffic and my search ends here with this wonderful article :).
Thanks for the article, you cleared all the point’s in brief. The only source you can gain long time Traffic for your website is search engine. The main requirement for this is Proper SEO & Quality Backlinks. If your are new to SEO & Link building I would suggest you to follow some gurus on this web like Neil Patel , Brian Dean, Rand Fishkin. They are all Expert in their own techniques. Learn from them properly & Apply their technique which they had gain from experience.
Rather than that I will recommend you to follow Kulwant Sir, to follow your dreams & Become an Entrepreneur.
Aatish, I am a big fan of the guys you recommended. I have learnt a lot from all of them. and many thanks for such an awesome comment. 🙂
Hi Kulvant,
I am one of those silent followers/observers who, keep mouth shut and speak only required. I think you have grabbed my attention enough to type. I am working on a blog though I know about blogging from many years.
About this post, it makes lot of sense and so, thanks for sharing. You might see more comments from me in future because I can’t resist typing in my point of view.
Pankaj, I always feel very happy when someone says, I am your silent follower. I met a guy in Thailand who is following me from last 4 years, and he knew me more than myself. ha ha..
I would love to see you again.
Nice article bro. It’s worth of reading. I surely share this article to all of my friends especially who are struggling for traffic.
Driving traffic to your blog is not an easy task if you do not have a good fanbase.
If you want traffic for longer time, then Organic traffic is always trustworthy. I do not think Social Media or Social Bookmarking sites would give you the satisfactory juice if you are not famous enough or smart enough to utilize it. However, building backlinks can be a turnover point if you are patient.
Also, nowadays email marketing has revolutionized the lead approach of many digital marketers. It could be a very beneficial aspect.
Lots of Points and aspects to learn from this blog. Thanks for sharing! enjoyed a lot 🙂
Hi Kulwant!
Getting traffic to a site is most hardest part if you are newbie! But if you know some traffic driving tips and implement correctly then you can drive a lot of traffic to your site. I have tested some of my sites performing well rather than other sites. Because of it’s well researched content and proper SEO.
Anyway, thanks for sharing this post with us.
Anything can be achieved with the right strategies. 🙂
sir me 1 newbie hu blogging me to mene 2 nich dhude jinme me kaam kar sakta hu mujhe english nahi aati mr hindi me likhna chahta hu or mene socha motivation or wikibio ye niche pakd leta hu to kya in dono niche me 1 hi blog me hindi me likhne par sucess ho sakte he please reply
I don’t recommend to mix these 2 niches.
Good and informative post. For new bloggers, it is very difficult to get organic traffic. He should work hard, I think more than creating blog, to get organic traffic.
But thanks for sharing this article.
Thank you, sir, for such an informative post. Sir, I want to know that if some who are new in this online world like me and doesn’t know how to get traffic then what should do for the first 2 months? please suggest me.
Thank you again for such a good and quality information shared with us.
Traffic won’t come without the promotion. Learn how to promote your blog.
Thanks For Sharing such an informative piece of content. No doubt these methods can get you maximum traffic. But the converging traffic can be attracted by influencers support as you have mentioned. In my experience, I got the maximum leads through influencer marketing. By the way, your content really worth reading.
Great article, Kulwant. As you said, once I get the basics to attrac traffic it’s easy. To get the basics, I’m learning how to put all these tools, actions, relationships together to make it happen. And lots of patience because one of the greatest converter to purchasing is the email list, which cannot be created overnight.
Yes Cory, attracting traffic is a skill that anyone can build with time.
Very Niche article and I loved it. Getting quality traffic matters for us as of now. your post says everything that are required to get quality traffic to the website.
Thanks for sharing valuable content 🙂
This is the second time I am creating a blog, I quit blogging because I was not getting readers/ traffic to blog, after going through some great blogger stories how they started, I decided to continue. Thanks for this great article, I know for sure it will help me boost traffic to my site