Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. We review these products after doing a lot of research, we check all features and recommend the best products only.

Money making will never be the same (after reading this article).

I'm not kidding.

Do you think this is crazy?

You've had so many chances to learn about money making through Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, and CPM ads.

I want you to stop reading about pay-per-click, CPM, contextual advertising, and affiliate marketing for 24 hours.

This is hilarious, though!

You must be thinking that what's going on here — how on earth would someone make money without these monetization strategies?

Listen up.

You've probably seen so many money making guides – this is nothing like those because it doesn't preach you about PPC ads, CPM, Affiliate Marketing tips etc.

In fact, the purpose of this article is to explain that monetization of the blog isn't limited to PPC, CPM, CPA, and Affiliate Marketing. Instead, it's just a matter of strategy building… Once you figure out something that works for you, you're home.

In simple words, create something that has not already been created. Tell something which has not already been told.

Beware, don't count on the money making methods I tell you!

You live in a free world…

Keep thinking…

One of the important elements of this article is to empower you as an online expert so that you start building something of your own and don't rely on the ad companies and affiliate sales.

No doubt, we all do affiliate marketing, however, it doesn't mean you step aside and get satisfied with a few hundred bucks every month.

 Always remember: Stay Hungry Stay Foolish.

The ‘Stay Hungry Stay Foolish‘ is a popular book by Rashmi Bansal regarding entrepreneurship.

Obviously, I've got alternative blog monetization + online money making methods share with you… but this could be a little less helpful if I don't share the momentum of the concept. In order to transfer that grasp to you guys, I want to make sure that I explain the entrepreneurial spirit of this blog post quite clearly.

5 Elements of a Successful Money Making Strategy

Following are the requirements that will play a vital role in the understanding of this concept and delivery of value to the readers:

1. The idea must deliver value to the audience. Whatever your product/service/medium is, it must be helpful and useful for the readers.

2. The product should preferably be digital or easily shippable. The best way to make money online is getting involved with digital goods, but physical goods can work too, as long as they are manageable.

3. The target audience should be wider. Make sure that your audience shouldn't be very specific (as far as this concept is concerned). Normally we suggest otherwise especially for affiliate marketing and conversion rate optimization.

4. It shouldn't have the language or territorial barriers. It would be incredible if the product or service you're going to use as a monetization tool is available for everyone.

5. It must be easy to adopt. The strategy shouldn't be based on IFs and BUTs. Be sure that it works for most of the people.

The next part is the cream:

Use your head. Don't even rely on these ideas.

Create state-of-the-art solutions for the audience.

Don't feel dizzy. You'll be fine.

Take a look at few of the Money Making Ideas:

1. Get Sponsorships for Your Blog

Have you ever heard that?

You write your blog. This is all you need. You probably notice that many pro-bloggers mention useful tools in their content. They share online tools and websites to help their readers. Obviously, they make things easier for their readers. When the readers find the solution/help with those websites, they love it.

When companies come across top bloggers' content after witnessing the mentions of their website URLs and if they find your audience engaged, they certainly want to develop the relationship with you. The things get a whole lot better if your audience resonates with their brand, loving your content and trusting your words.

All they need bloggers to place a banner ad or keep mentioning their websites (where necessary)… but most of the times it works with a banner ad (without any affiliate marketing link).

It doesn't matter whether it's link based mention a couple of times in a month or a month-to-month banner ad deal on the blog, what matters is, bloggers get paid when companies are interested in working with them.

How to Attract Companies to Sponsor your Blog?

Apply the following strategies in your blogging in order to get a sponsorship for your blog:

  • Create a niche blog
  • Publish high-quality content on the regular basis
  • Make engaged audience
  • Get loyal social media following
  • Deliver value to the readers
  • Become authority in the market
  • Mention relevant tools in your content (where necessary)

Pro-bloggers and content marketers always mention useful and relevant tools, it doesn't necessarily mean that they always get paid from those companies… they do it for helping the audience, and ultimately there is a chance that one of those companies notice those mentions and contact the blogger for making a deal.

There  is no guarantee, however, that you will get a deal after start mentioning the tools and websites.

You have to be smart. If you're in the web hosting niche and you're mentioning graphic designing companies and tools, it might not work, even the web hosting audience might not notice that.

Don't mix up link building with sponsorship — a sponsorship based mention or a banner ad has nothing to do with link building… both are different strategies and have the different intended outcomes.

how to make money online

Take a look at this screenshot:

The sponsorships are a great way to generate revenue. There are two obvious reasons for that:

1.  The brand who deals with you/or any blog knows the credibility. Of course, after the complete analysis,  the interested brand will proceed with you.

2. Before the sponsorship deal, the brands you mention in your content must be natural and helpful for the audience. If the brands reach you, It means they (brands) know that this blogger delivers the value to the readers.

Similarly, it could be in the banner form. It depends on the mutual dealing whether the hyperlink is included in the offer or not. You may find many banner ads on the blogs without the links…

ways to make money online

Many brands focus on brand recognition and brand popularity.

They don't want traffic from the sponsorship. They want identity and positioning.

2. Make Video Reviews to Promote Products

Besides your blog writing if you start creating video reviews on your blog, you'd definitely open up new horizons for your online money making. If you haven't had a chance to see any video review on YouTube, then you should check it out today.

Write any product category and add the word ‘review' at the end (e.g. DSLR Review, Laptop Review, Samsung Galaxy S5 Review)…

It would be a whole new story for you.

Analyze your niche. Choose the relevant products to review. Just like you choose similar products to promote through affiliate marketing.

The purpose is pretty much the same. You want to attract the makers (of the products in your niche). It won't happen so early. All you need is to be patient and consistent with your video reviews.

You can upload to YouTube and Publish it on your blog as well.

The key will be your consistency.

It would be extremely important if you choose the niche which has a wide range of relevant products to review…

If you don't get this chance, then try to make video reviews of closest things to your niche.

This isn't easy. You have to come out of your comfort zone to create the video reviews.

Use Camtasia or TinyTake for screencasting and making videos.

how to make money fast

Latin Vixen is a popular YouTuber. She reviews different tech gadgets and updates the subscribers about the latest electronic items.

The monetization factor in the review videos is that when you become an authority in your certain space and keep on reviewing the relevant products. You get noticed by those brands and they might cut you a deal for reviewing their products on the regular basis.

The SEO Perspective in the Video Reviews:

  • Keyword in the title: You must have your main keyword in the title of your video on YouTube. The best way to do that is by adding the two elements in your title: “product name/model” and  “maker name”.
  • Keyword in the description: Your main keyword which is already added in the title must be in the description twice (at least) in order to be clearly seen and read. Make sure you have a detailed video description explaining everything about the review.
  • Size of the title: If you're inspired by the short blog post titles that work extremely good in the Google, then you have to do it opposite for YouTube. Actually it has been seen that long and detailed video titles work well. It doesn't mean too long.
  • Proper tags: Don't miss out the video tags. These tags will surely help you to get better results in the YouTube search.

Virool is another solution for video review makers. It's a native video monetization company which video makers can use to monetize their own videos. This could be the possibility for you if you publish your YouTube videos in your blog as well.

3. Sell Banner Ads on your Blog

Selling your banner ads actually a popular monetization method. It doesn't have to do anything with PPC and CPM ads. It's actually called ‘Direct Ads'.

Even though you need a third-party service to get these direct ads for your blog but still it does not come under PPC and Affiliate Marketing scene.

When you got visitors on your blog, you might get a chance to monetize that traffic in a number of ways. Direct Ads selling is one of those methods.

BuySellAds and PublicityClerks are the popular direct ad companies which can be used for such advertising.

how to earn money online

screenshot was taken from incomediary.com

AdPlugg, Custom Banners, and CM Ad Changer are few of the WordPress Ad Managers. These free plugins can help you to get started with direct ads selling.

4. Monetize Your Email List

Email list building is today's most important online marketing strategy and probably one of the best converting strategies as well.

This opens up the chances of money-making, even without any PPC, CPM, and Affiliate Program.

It takes the time to build a loyal and engaged audience on your email list. When someone successfully builds an audience, it becomes necessary to keep serving the list subscribers with engaging and relevant content, gifts, and free resources.

In order to monetize your email list, it's important to stop people going off the list, which is only possible by offering VALUABLE content and RELEVANT solutions.

ways to make money

A common practice of email list monetization is a paid shout-out of a webinar, event, or any product. You can use tools like WebinarJam to do the live webinars.

Companies hire bloggers and online marketers with a huge list to get a few updates to their subscribers using their email newsletter.

LiveIntent is a unique advertising platform that can be used in the email newsletter. It helps you to get banner ads.

5. Organize Seminars

The events, exhibitions, and meetups grow your brand. In order to get paid as a blogger, try to make an opportunity out-of-nothing.

Find the other content creators as well as sponsors to sponsor you blog for coming days.

From speaking gigs to paid seminars, your seminars could be a life-changing step for many of the serious people out there.

I recently attended India Affiliate Summit 2015. It was extremely informative event for bloggers. Social meetups, professional discussions, and peer-to-peer to connectivity are the perks of such events.

In fact, I've successfully hosted Blogging and Affiliate Marketing seminars:

best way to make money online

This article of BestPaidTools also highlights the importance of training sessions and seminars in building up our online career.

Use Google Forms or Eventbrite to collect email addresses of the interested guests on the exhibition or training sessions.

Once you host a seminar, you have an audience to talk, communicate, and email.

They are in your funnel.

Offer them some free stuff and later on use the funnel to sell your products to them.

The Final Words

You'll keep finding the new ways to make money online if you keep looking for them.

But you don't have to be testing a new method every next month.

It requires consistency to start making money online.

Give some time to whatever you choose regarding MAKING MONEY.

The purpose of this article wasn't to actually give these 5 methods of money making.

You might find better ideas tomorrow.

The aim was to GIVE you a hope to trust yourself a bit.

You can do if you start believing in yourself.

There might be a thousand ways to make money online.

Keep learning. Keep exploring.

What is your biggest challenge in MONEY MAKING ONLINE?

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  1. Sponsorship seems a good alternative to cpc and cpm and even affiliate marketing. But it is difficult to use for starting blogger who has a few monthly visitors. Sponsorship applies to moderate to heavy traffic blogs.

  2. Hi,

    My biggest challenge as of now is conversion as if now…with decent traffic I am still struggling with this element…please write a post on how to get some conversion 😛



  3. Another excellent article. My biggest challenge is monetization and time. My niche is e-commerce and I can write about it a lot. What I don’t know is how to monetise it.

  4. Hi Kulwant,
    It was a nice piece of informative article with lots of useful thoughts and ideas added on the article. I definitely agree with, it is not always easy to make money with affiliate & Adsense until you have decent daily traffic or highly targeted users.
    Thanks for sharing your valuable ideas with us.
    Best Regards

  5. Really a great article to make money from online using various strategy. I think affiliate marketing is much better than PPC or CPM.

  6. Hello Kulwant,
    I was looking for this post and after reading the article, I can say that you guided me right. Selecting the niche, delivering high value content are the most important things one should follow. I will surely follow the tips you mentioned.

  7. Hey Kulwant bro,
    These are really ultimate ways to earn online. I also wanted to add one thing here. We also get the opportunity to get freelancing work through the work. Like I am getting the content writing work through my blog. It is the main source of my income which is not related to affiliate or any other listed method.

    -Thanks for these great methods of monetizing. The article shares value.


  8. Hi Kulwant ,

    Like always Thanks for great share. I’ didn’t ever think about making money without AdSense as i didn’t know any way.

  9. A good niche and original content is always gets appreciation. You brought some nice points, its really inspiring post. Affiliate marketing and AdSense are the best way to make money online there are so many people who are really awesome in that. I have read your training guide about that too, it is really helping me to grow as a affiliate.

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