Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. We review these products after doing a lot of research, we check all features and recommend the best products only.

Starting a blog with profitable niche is like having money in our own hands. Many bloggers out there are making their earnings by selecting a good niche.

Niche will be our heart and soul of our blog if selected properly.

Choosing an appropriate niche is the main paradigm behind a good blogging. Every new blogger having the chance of making a mistake while choosing the niche such mistakes will lead us to big Failures.

Before you start writing, you must be aware of the right niche to start with. The 1st step in blogging is trying to find out what reader needs from your blog, what are the most profitable keywords and how you can make money with your blogs.

So what are the most profitable niches in the online industry and how can you start with them?

I've outlined the top 5 profitable niches below :

1. Health Caring Niche

A health blog can cover diverse health related topic such as nutrition and digest, weight control and diseases, analysis about health, business of health and health research. Health niche is at number one in most profitable niche list.

Health Is Wealth

It acts as a Health Education platform, where users collaborate or contribute health content within the standard guidelines. A health blog can be interactive, engaging with its readers in the creation of content. A health blog can grow in user size with its amazing content.

Health blogs can be broadly categorized as either a personal journal type or an information site type of blog. The most common sub-niches include:

  1. Weight loss/diet blogs
  2. Nutrition and food blogs
  3. Disease and disorder blogs
  4. Training and exercise blog

These sub niches will help the people a lot by getting care of the health and all together you can also earn a huge sum of money on it.

2. Blogging Tutorials Niche

A tutorial is great way of transferring (or) sharing knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. Blogging with tutorials niche also will be a great Blog to help our readers. Every one will be facing a problem with their blogs. Problems will be scripts, HTML, widgets, writing gadgets, SEO, etc.These tutorials will be helpful for many upcoming new bloggers who choose blogging as their passion..

Tutorials such as revealing eBooks, starting a blog, videos by our co-bloggers will definitely help others in correcting themselves for becoming a good blogger. Tutorials in turn will help us for earning more revenue by getting help from blogging tips and tutorials.

This has become one of the most common niches as the possibilities to earn here are huge.

3. Technology Niche

With technology changing the global market at higher rate. This niche can provide what usually people go towards what they are looking for in the technology arena. This technology niche shows the companies that have specialized in manufacturing the gadgets.

By giving the useful information about latest gadgets and latest tech tips in this niche can really help for those who really want to know about the latest innovations occurring in the technology.

Providing the useful and great content regarding gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, blackberry, iPhones, iPad, android, etc can help us in generating some cash using this niche.

4. Money and Business Niche

This blogs may be in few in number but will be a great help for other upcoming entrepreneurs. This niche shows how to earn money in online or offline by different ways. This virtually shows the ways of earning money. Every blogger want to earn few bucks but this niche will be helpful for those who want to start a business or want to earn money in different ways.

This niche shows us the different ways of making money or guide us to earn money. Even it will be same for business niche. This business niches especially needs experience for writing killer posts on how to start a business or how to run a business .

If you give away tips that are worthwhile, your blog will catch the attention of the users very quickly and you start your earnings.

5. Personality Development

Personal development niche provide us to how to improve awareness and identity, how to develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employ-ability, enhance quality of  life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

The most common sub-niches include:

  • Leadership development
  • Self esteem
  • Motivation
  • Career development
  • Life coaching
  • Spirituality

This niche will really help us to improve our personal life and make our life with good deeds and happiness and will also help us improving our skills and analyzing Pros and cons of our individual life.

Over to you :

I've shared with you the top 5 most profitable niches that are highly profitable in my opinions. If you want me to add one or suggest something, please use the comment box below.!!

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  1. Newbie blogger at the very beginning of blogging career ignores to work on specific niche and start publishing each and every news they got….this is wrong. There are profitable niche as you did mentioned to prefer and work straight-forward.

    1. That absolutely agree, I am one of some people who you are talking about. At first I know publishing some articles and sharing into social media so that I could get readers and earn extra money easy but I this my fails. Selecting the specefic niche and getting visible is great way for me. Now I love to write some basic tips about blogging tutorials. Thanks for sharing the tips and also you comments, Devagya Uikey .

        1. Me too, Nice to meet you! Thanks for active responding and replied my comments. I promise to visit your blog frequently by bookmarked it

          1. Hi Kimsea and Devagya Uikey ,
            That was Great conversation you have done on my post!! hope you have loved reading my post!! Thanks for leaving your comments here 🙂 🙂

    2. Hi Devagya Uikay,
      In beginning of my Blogging Carrier even i used to do the same mistake which you have shared here.!! Yes,we need to stick to particular niche for profitable blogging.!! Thanks for commenting.!!

      1. Hi Srikanth,
        I think almost every blogger had done some mistake in the beginning but we have learn from that mistake, isn’t ? Head over to my contest article where i have share another profitable source.

        1. Hi Devagya Uikey,
          ” Failure is the stepping stones for the success ” ..!! Learning from our mistakes and correcting them and taking care of not repeating such kind of mistake will surely help us in getting Professional !!

  2. yeah A Perfect Niche is Necessary for a Blog to get on.Choosing the Right niche is the main Part that Every Blogger Must Do.Great Tips are Given Over Here.. Really Helpful

    1. Hi Sai,
      Choosing right niche plays an crucial role in blogging. I am glad that you felt my article as helpful.!!
      Thanks for Dropping by.!!

  3. Hi, Srikanth Sri This a quality content article by you, Its really very tough to choose a profitable blog. But we should always choose a blog niche on which we are expert . Otherwise we cannot post any quality article.. Thanks for writing such a quality article.
    Thank you
    Sandeep Kumar Dan

    1. Hi Sandeep , Thanks for your wonderful words of appreciation about article. As you said choosing a right niche and Writing article which are related to our niche will definitely help us in profitable blogging. Thank you very much for commenting.

  4. Wow !
    Well written srikanth 😀
    Welcome to the guest blogging contest 😉
    All the best 😀

    1. Hi Akhil ,
      Thanks Bro For reading and Dropping by.!!Hope to win this !! Wish you the Same bro for you in this contest !!
      All the Best . 🙂

  5. I would encourage you to blog about those things. Even though it seems that niche is full, what you’ll find when you start blogging about something you love is that you will attract your own group. Your sincerity will seep through and people will start subscribing.

    Internet traffic is predicted to grow by something like 4X in the next 5 years (I read the stat a few months ago and don’t remember the exact numbers but it was huge) and besides the constant influx of new traffic, you’ll simply get people to subscribe if you have good content.

    1. Hi Serdar Kara ,
      Well as you said sticking to a particular blog can give us more knowledge about we want to write on our blog !!
      Thanks for Commenting bro 🙂 Cheers !!

  6. Hey Srikanth, good to see ya participating here.

    Well, I run a guide to blogging community, but I like the personal development niche because It’s the most profitable niche If you learn it, share quality content and build a huge audience. I know a lot of personal development bloggers making big income with their blog.

    All the best with the contest! Let’s succeed together 🙂

    1. Hi Ehsan,
      Thanks Eshan .!! Well i have visited your guideandnews.com which is an ultimate guide for a newbie who actually want to start his blogging life.!! learning from personal experience and writing them and sharing them on our personality development will definitely help us in getting huge income . 🙂 🙂
      All the best for you.!! I want you to win this contest !! 😉

  7. hello Srikant, Just recently I was there in Shoutmeloud’s recent post on why newbie bloggers should not start with blogging niche. There I had difference with Harsh post and so politely disagreed his points. And Then I see here your post. I feel relived and Yes, when can start with Blogging Niche too, no problem. Kudos!
    All the Best Bro.

    1. Hi Koj T. Tajo,
      I am glad that you got an answer from my post and you liked my article .!! Thanks for commenting and why only blogging we have more niche to start to start blogging and we can grab audience Interest through our Niche!!

  8. To bad finance or hobbies is not in the list. I am interesting to start a new one on that topics. lol. Thanks for the suggestions. All the best for the contest too

    1. Hi Okto,
      Thank for your wishes towards me for the contest .!! Yea we have other more interesting niche but i have listed few top niche were every new blogger want to create his own blog.!! I feel this article may help him in getting on what type niche he should start his blogging .!! 🙂
      Thanks bro 🙂

  9. Hey Srikanth,
    Whoa! I can’t imagine if you wrote this article earlier. You are giving me a tough competition.
    About the article – It’s a well put one man. Congrats. And I think every niche is Profitable if blogged and managed professionally and working smart.
    Good luck, thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Hi Amal ,
      Yes,Starting any niche with good professional and sincere work on our blog can be profitable. Thanks man, for your kind words on me . 🙂 But still i am no were in the race to give you a tough competition bro 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by bro 🙂

  10. hey srikanth……a very innovative article man!!!! keep it up. and btw are there any more niches which are demanding and profitable….if so please share them here….
    #will be waiting

    1. Hi Aditya,
      Yes we have some other niches like Fashi0n,Buy and Sell and Question and Answer niches where we can concentrate on earning some bucks even with this niches also ..!! 🙂
      Thanks for Commenting !! 🙂

  11. Hi Sri,
    Thanks for sharing such wonderful post about deciding niche for blogging, i hope this post may help thousands of bloggers , keep it up

    1. Hi Aqib shahzad,
      Thanks for your comment of appreciation !! Thanks for commenting 🙂 🙂

  12. Hi Srikanth,

    A well written, researched and executed article.
    Selecting a niche is one of most important factor and it decides whether you are going to get success or not in blogging.
    Apart from the scope in niche you must think what value addition you can provide to niche readers otherwise you will end up with nothing.

    Thanks for sharing valuable information about Niche.

    1. Hi Sandeep Sir,
      Niche decides our blog will be success or not.Selecting a good niche and Managing it well then we can except a positive results from our blog!!
      Thanks for Dropping by Sir 🙂 🙂

  13. Good and useful post from you Srikanth! I like your passion in blogging 🙂

    You have provided a great information for the readers to select the profitable niche.

    Wishing you to win in this contest and will help you by sharing your post!

    1. Hi Nirmala Ma’am,
      I am glad to see your comment on my post !! Thanks for your kind words of appreciation ma’am. 🙂
      I may or may not win this but i have participated in this competition that is enough to me ma’am 🙂
      Thanks for your wishes and for your shares ma’am 🙂
      All the best for you also ma’am 🙂

  14. Yeah! These are one of the most profitable niches. But I don’t think the niche should be chosen according to the profit that can be made out of it.

    If you can’t write about it, don’t choose it. You can make money out of any niche if you really want to.

    But anyways Sri, cool post mate. Keep going !!! 🙂

    1. Hi Navneet,
      Well ,as you said if we put all our efforts and a well managed niche with every aspect included in it will be surely helpful in earning profits from our niche.!! Thanks for your kind words of appreciation 🙂 Thanks for your wishes !!
      Thanks for Commenting !!

  15. Hi Srikanth,
    You had submitted a great post. I like the Technology and Blogging niche the most. Hope you win this contest.

    1. Hi Sriram,
      Yeah . what ever Niche we interested we need to do well in it . 🙂 Thanks For Commenting 🙂 Thanks for your wishes. 🙂

  16. Technology is very much profitable from other niche but it has toooo much three much competition.

    1. Hi Anchit,
      Yeah,What ever niche you decide to start blogging no doubt in getting Competition!!Competition will be available in every niche you start.!! 🙂

  17. I believe the same. Blogging, Tech, Money, Business etc.. niches are very profitable. bloggers are making great money. Thanks for the post. 🙂

    1. Hi Avi,
      Welcome to my post!! I am glad that you have left your mark here!!Thanks for Sharing your view!!

  18. Excellent post! Well, every niche has their own concept and benefits. But, one should go with the niche in which they have passion/interest and also have some knowledge. Well, no doubt that health niche is on the top of the table as said “Health is Wealth”. And the other 4 niches are also great with many bloggers putting their hands on them and doing great in these niches also. Good luck with the contest Srikanth and I hope you win. Thanks for sharing and tweeted 🙂

    1. Hi Nizam,
      Well,Selecting a proper niche based on our interest . !!!Thanks for your wishes!! Thanks a lot for your shares !! 🙂 Thanks for dropping by!!

  19. Great article!! Nice write up.Clearly explained about the what types of niche we need to concentrate before starting blogging!! Happy blogging!! All the best

    1. Hi Ramu,
      Well ,Thanks for your kind words of appreciation !! I am Glad that you liked my article!! Thanks for commenting!!

    1. Hi Denise,
      I am happy that my post was helpful to you.!!Thanks for Coming here and commenting on my post !!

  20. Hi buddy! thanks a lot for such a wonderful post 🙂

    This helps a lot for improving my blogging skills.

    Keep posting more buddy! will be waiting to read more from you!

    1. Hi Naveen,
      I am happy that you felt my post is helpful in improving your blogging skill !! Thanks for the words of appreciation!!

  21. Many have chose to write into the niches as an expert, where he/she at that time is not. Better to write / share truthfully.

    By the way, agree with you that health care and make money online is 2 of the most lucrative market, of cause, one shall expect higher competitiveness.

    1. Hi Jeff,
      Competition is huge in any niche.Getting Expert in writing can be attained just by practicing!! Thanks for commenting !! 🙂

  22. I think blogging tutorial niche would be the first one.anyway very nicely written as well as explained.

    1. Hi Debarpan,
      Yes, Helping others with tutorial niche will be really successful.Thanks for your words of appreciation !!
      Thanks for commenting!!

  23. Hi Srikanth,

    Nice to see you participate, and here I am to cheer you up and hoping that you win the contest too 🙂

    I agree with all that you wrote, though which niche suits who would depend on what the particular blogger or person is good at writing at. For me, personal development or self-help blogs work best, though being a professional freelance writer and blogger, I also prefer to write about writing skills or freelancing tips, and now being a blogger too – I guess those also fall in line. A lot depends on what you are comfortable with, what your passion is, and what you are going to be able to share with your readers in a way that it helps them – more than anything else, that should be the aim I feel.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, and wishing you all the best 🙂

  24. blogging on insurance is probably the best thing to do…but converting it into an authoritive site is a bit tough

  25. Weight loss is the evergreen niche, good for both AdSense and affiliate marketing, I also have a health blog managed by my friend , and its getting very good amount of traffic everyday and affiliate sales are also good..

    Thanks for sharing these profitable niche!

    1. Hi Nishant ,
      Well, Yes i do agree with your opinion. Every Niche has it’s own importance. It depends on us how we makes our blogs in to profitable Niches 🙂 Thanks for visiting !! 🙂 🙂

  26. A good niche makes whole lot of difference in blogging experience. It primarily depends on the purpose for what you started blogging and your monetization method.

    As a teacher I find it comfortable to write on educational topics and I also love to write about blogging. However, if you are more interested to make more online money, health niche appears to be high paying. It should be because the topic is interesting and suitable to every person as well as we have huge advertisers in this field.

    1. Hi Suresh ,
      Well Health niche has a high demand in blogging Niche. As you mentioned that niches about blogging and educational also helps in earning Income. 🙂 Thanks for Visiting !!

  27. Just as Harleena Singh said, choosing a niche depends on the individual’s understanding of that niche, you don’t just choose a niche because it is profitable. You must be an authority in it so you don’t run out of ideas to blog about someday and you can’t go about copying others. You have to be original and unique and the only way you can achieve that is to choose a niche you know much about. Thanks for such an awesome post though…i wish you good luck

  28. I know you are a busy person Srikanth but please can you read my comment and help me out.

    I have started a blog with a niche of Sharing Success Stories of other People , Bloggers , Political Leaders etc. Can you Please tell me How is my niche ? Should I go for it ? and How much profitable it can be?

    Any help would be really appreciated. Please

  29. I started my Tech site couple of months ago, and I have grown so much. It’s all about sticking to want you want and don’t get discouraged. I do have a couple of focus points you have to look into before you start Tech Blogging

  30. Hi, Good Article. Well Written. I absolutely agree with your point no 1. Health Tips, today very good niche to get high traffic and revenue.

  31. Technology has become a very crowded niche and keep a new gadget blog up in search results needs hard work.

  32. finance related sites could be a good idea to blog on as they are comparatively high paying keywords, but its even bit difficult to rank for keywords so I agree with the above list

  33. Its really difficult to rank on health niche today..!! I think most profitable niche is the one in which you knows better!

  34. hi Srikanth bro,

    really good niche suggestion i agree with you and your informative research. but bro now a days people are starting their career with multi niche blog. is it good and not please give me suggestion about and also tell me about education related niche is it good and not ?

    and all over your articles is good keep it up bro 🙂

    Rahul Kashyap

  35. Blogging tutorial is not a profitable niche. Not sure how you concluded it. Only the top 5% make money out of the niche.

  36. Awesome and important information i have found on your blog.Thanks for sharing this information.This info is very useful for new blogger as well older blogger. Once again thank you.

  37. Hi

    Thanks for sharing out the profitable niches to start blog and get succeeded in it. Many people without knowing these niches, just simply get into blogging to earn and finally struggle to make it. So this post would best and useful for all newbies who wants to start a blog and really make money out of it.

  38. I think the most profitable niche for any blogger will be the one he/she is passionate about and can create products for that audience that are better than the competition. Although there is a big market for many of these niches, there is also a ton of competition.

  39. I think Sir that Educational Blogs are also popular and profitable like Employment News, Any Targeted Course Like B.Tech or MBBS. Whats Your Views about this point…

  40. I think you forget to mention about the programming blog which is also a good niche idea. Because, there are continuously framework in different language like Java, Php, ASP.NET are coming day by day and also big data is the newest discovery of the 21th century.., so i think programming niche can also give a better option to make money online.

  41. Nice and informative blog for new blogger. It is very necessary to get the organic traffic to write the article niche as discussed above. Thanks for your sharing knowledge of Niche.

  42. . These are actually profitable blogging niche for new bloggers. I also think that Fashion blogs are still profitable even though there are many of them out there.
    Thanks a lot! Keep up the good work.

  43. None of these suggestions are a particular niche, they are all quite broad topics

  44. Hi, I really appreciated this post. I find you while doing research for my own blog (on becoming a freelancer). I actually host two blogs, one as a creative writing portfolio and the other a niche on freelancing.

    I find my creative writing portfolio receiving more followers, however, my freelance blog receives more feedback. I often find my followers checking both blogs for tips and inspiration.

    I love both projects for different reasons and they both serve their purpose.

  45. Yeah…the most important aspect of blogging is choosing the right niche. Whosoever blogger do that correctly, he will surely make.

    But What still matters is your area of interest. you can’t be talking much about health when you no nothing about it.


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