Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. We review these products after doing a lot of research, we check all features and recommend the best products only.

Writing is like breathing for bloggers. If you want to grow your blog, one way to do it is to increase your publishing frequency.

But what may break you is that you write great content and then find out that Google penalizes you, why that?

Because there was plagiarism in your articles. And all your hard work is gone because one article was a little bit similar to another's. Annoying, right?

What is even more annoying is that you start hiring people because you want to grow your blog even more and start focusing on more important strategies.

In the end, you find that your blog is penalized and instead of growing your traffic, your traffic will drop dramatically in a day without any notice… and you lost the money you paid for the writer.

What if you could know if there are any similarities between your post and others on the internet with a quick check before publishing your post, so you don't get penalized and all your hard work is gone without you notice.

That is what you are going to discover in this post.

But first, let's discuss plagiarism, later we will discuss online plagiarism checker.

What is plagiarism

To put it in simple words, plagiarism is stealing someone's idea or work without referencing him.

So if you are writing an essay for your teacher and you are going to write about an idea that is already covered by someone's else, you need to reference him at the end of the article.

If you don't, then you have already done plagiarism.

When thinking about it, then most of the content you write isn't your ideas. But copying the same content, even if you change the wording a little bit is considered stealing and plagiarism.

And what is worse is that you copy parts of different articles and think that by that way you have a unique article, and actually you don't.

And this won't do you any good, so don't try to do it if you are serious about blogging.

Types of Plagiarism

There are different types of plagiarism, but here are the few that are common.

  1. Direct Plagiarism: This is plagiarism in its best shape. You are just copying a post or an article word by word and call it yours. If this is your strategy. Stop blogging right now because you are wasting your time and money
  2. Mosaic Plagiarism: This happens when you copy phrases from a source, but don't put it in quotation marks
  3. Self Plagiarism: It occurs when you publish your work multiple times. This could be a problem if you don't optimize your other posts right so Google doesn't penalize you.
  4. Accidental Plagiarism: It occurs when you accidentally write a phrase or a sentence and someone has already written it the same way. This happens for the best of us, and this is what we are going to try to solve in this post.

How Google takes action against plagiarism

Google hates plagiarism. The least thing they want is to show their searchers content that is similar to each other, which provides terrible user experience, and this will decrease the earnings of Google.

This is a simple reason why Google hates plagiarism. In the end, it is going to affect their business.

So what they do? Once they notice that any of your articles has parts of it copied from other sources, they penalize your blog and make it unworthy of their trust, so your hard-earned rankings for the other posts are affected as well.

And it happens in a moment.

After that, you need to start diagnosing the problem to find why that happened, solve it, and then start trying to get them to rank you back. That would take months if they do get you back.

Sometimes, they won't even take you out of it, so you are penalized for life.

Hard, right?

The solution could be simpler. Just do a quick check for plagiarism before you publish the post and you are good to go.

So which tool to use to help you check for plagiarism before publishing your post without taking much work from you?

The last thing you want is a tool that is going to waste your time and not help you find if your post is plagiarized or not.

Best Tools to Check For Plagiarism

To help you solve this problem and not worry about plagiarism once and for all, this post was created to share with you the top tools that check for plagiarism without much work from you.

So you don't need to worry if any of your articles accidentally contain similar phrases to others, or if any of your writers are copying content from other blogs without you knowing.

Of course, you won't know all the content on other blogs writing about the same articles, and you don't need to check them all every time your writer send you a new article.

That is harder than writing the content yourself, right?

So without further ado, here are the top online plagiarism checkers…

1. Grammarly

online plagiarism checker

Grammarly is one of the first highly-sophisticated free online plagiarism checkers for students and editing tools that use its AI to understand what you are writing and offer you advice on how to improve your writing. It is not just a grammar and spelling editor.

And they can't call their tools one of the best if they can't check for plagiarism. And that is why they have their plagiarism checker.

Their checker catch plagiarism from the ProQuest databases and over 16 billion web pages… yes, you read that right.

So it is not only created for academic purposes, but also for writers who don't care about a degree from their teacher and just want unique content that pleases Google.

And of course, you won't need to worry about your writing going public before you publish it, so don't worry about that.

And here is the thing, you could use their plagiarism tool for free, by going to this link.

And if you have the pro version, which I recommend you to do, then they will check it for you automatically, while you are editing your post, so you don't need to do a separate check.

If you are wondering how I write good content without much errors in English and English is my second language, then I am sure you already know my secret 🙂

Another tool we recommend is ProWritingAid.

2. Copyscape

Copyscape is one of the first popular plagiarism checkers created.  It is created to solve 2 problems as a blog owner.

  1. Find if your content is original or not. You don't want to get laughed on by a writer who pays your hard-earned money to just copy content from other sources. Their tools help you solve this problem
  2. Know if someone steals your content: it is easy for someone to steal your content and there is nothing to do about it if you don't know that they exist. Their Copysentry program scans the web daily for copies of your content and emails you when someone copies your content, how cool is that?

There is a free version that lets you check your post after its published. Just enter the URL of the post, and leave them to do the rest.

If you want to copy and paste your content and benefit from their other tool that checks your content, copy sentry, then you need to get the premium version.

One cool feature is that you could also check your entire site for plagiarism, how cool is that?

The price of the premium version is 3 cent per search (for up to 200 words.) Every extra 100 words will cost you 1 cent.

Not a bad investment for your site.

But if you are planning on benefiting from the editing capabilities in Grammarly, then spend your money there and don't bother with extra tools, unless you are hit by Google and want to check your whole site for plagiarism.

You can do so here, without taking much time copying and pasting each of your articles, especially, when you have a long list of words.

3. Plag Scan

Plag Scan is another tool that helps you find the “authenticity” of the word written as they say. They check your content for any similarities with other content on the web.

There are many different plans that were created for education and big business purposes that we won't bother with.

Their private plan is what may be of interest to you.

This tool is not for free, but you could get a free trial to check the tool. Their payment is a pre-paid system, where you pay depending on the number of words you want to edit.

They don't care how many documents you scan, they only care about the number of words.

The smallest plan where you can check 6500 words for 5.99$. 25k words for 12.99. 62.5k words for 24.99$. 150k words for 49.99$.

As you can see, the more you pay for, the cheaper it comes. In the beginning, you were paying 1$/1000 words.

In the biggest package, you are paying 0.33$/1000 words. So keep this in mind, if you plan to use this tool.

4. ProWritingAid

best online plagiarism checker

Pro Writing aid is another tool that is created to help writers make their content look like a professional writer has written them without being a professional yourself.

It helps you with editing style and grammar mistakes and helps you find the right words to use.

Again, like Grammarly, they need a plagiarism tool to make their tool more complete and they did just that. But there is no free version like Grammarly.

You need to either have the premium version or purchase plagiarism check packages.

You get 50 plagiarism checks a year in any of their premium versions, where you pay for a year or more in advance. There is also a lifetime option.

You could buy plagiarism check packages depending on the number of checks you want to do. For 10 checks, you pay 10$. For 100, you pay 40$. For 500, you pay 120$. For 1000, you pay 200$.

Again, as you see, the more you pay for, the less money you are paying per check. So go higher, when you can.

5. Quetext

top ten plagiarism checker

Quetext is a tool created specifically to help you check if your content is plagiarized or not. There is a free and pro version.

With the pro version, you get access to their deep search technology which compares your content to billions of sources as they say. 20 million books, 35 billion pages, and 1 million journals.

You can also upload up to 5 files to check at the same time. In the free version, you can't upload a file.

And the word limit is increased to 25k words instead of the 500 words in the free version.

And there is no search or reports limit as with other tools in the pro version. In the free, you only have 3 search limits.

The cost for the pro version is 9.99$ a month.

6. DupliChecker

Dupli Checker is a completely free tool that you could use to check your content directly without signing up.

Once you go to the site, you'll see a box to enter the text you want to check, or the ability to upload a file, and then you could check for plagiarism. You could also do a grammar check.

The only problem is that you have a 1000 words limit per search. Just cut your posts in parts and you are good to go.

There are many tools you could benefit from if you do SEO. It is a great free tool to have in your arsenal if your budget is limited.

7. Plagium

Plagium is another tool that helps you check the originality of your check. You could do a quick search for 1000 words. If you do check regularly, you will need to pay to use the tool.

There is also their deep search which you could use for an extra layer of digging deep to find if there is any problem with your content.

The quick search costs 0.04$/page. The deep search costs 0.08$/page. If you do a file search, it costs 0.005$/page.

You can also buy credits in advance and have valid for a period of a year. And the more you pay, the more bonus you get, so think about it.

There are also monthly plans if you want to use it regularly. The bonus is higher here 🙂

8. Plagiarism Check

plagiarism blog

Plagiarism check has been available for 7 years now, and they are used by over 77k users to check their content.

You can do a 1-page check for free.

If you want to do more, then you need to purchase one of their paid packages. There are packages for organizations, which isn't created for bloggers, and then there is the for individuals package.

The light package let you check 20 pages for $5.99.

The standard package costs $9.99 to check 50 pages.

The premium package costs $25.49 to check 150 pages.

Choose the one that suits you.

9. WhiteSmoke

Whitesmoke is another one of the popular editing tools, that is used by many pro bloggers. Their new layout has attracted a lot of people to it, and I am considering testing it for some time to compare it with Grammarly again.

And as any editing tool, it can't be complete without a plagiarism checker, so there is one that you get to use with other tools. There are no free trials.

And you need to either pay yearly or for 3-years if you want to save so much.

And you get access to the plagiarism checker in their different packages, so see the one that suits your need from here, and then use it to edit your post, and check for plagiarism as well.

10. SmallSEOTools

Small SEO tools is a set of free tools that you could use to help you with your SEO. There are different tools to use beside the plagiarism checker like the Word counter, grammar check, reverse image search and what is my IP.

You can check plagiarism by pasting a web page, if you have your post published, or by uploading a doc file, or by pasting it directly in the box that appears to you.

You have a limit of 1000 words per search. Just cut your posts in part, if you need to search for more than that.

Great tools to use, if you are limited with your budget.

11. Plagiarisma

Plagiarisma is another tool that helps you check for plagiarism. You could even do a grammar check from their site.

You can do a quick search from their site, or signup for free.

It has been available since 2010, and it may be a little bit outdated.

But you could try it if you are looking for a good free option.

12. DustBall

Dustball is a project created by Brian Klug. it is created to do a plagiarism check. There are different plages with different languages for people who want to visit the site in a language other than English like Spanish or Arabic.

In 2017, the ability to create a plagiarism report was available to do it for free, so it is a plus if you care about these things or you need it to give it to your teacher and so on.

There is a premium version that they claim is 3x more accurate. It just costs 8$ for 50 checks, and 25cents for every check after that. It is another good tool to check out.

13. Copyleaks

Copy leaks is another tool that helps you detect plagiarism and paraphrased content using their AI technology. It can be used by business and educational institutes like universities and schools.

They also created the tool for publishers to help them publish original content. They can conduct a deep comparison with over 60 trillion pages on the web including private archives and password-protected sites.

If you want that level of deepness in the search, then check out this tool.

14. Plagramme

Plagramme is another freemium tool that offers a generous free plan for people to check their work against plagiarism.

The free version can check documents with unlimited words. It gives you a detailed word reports that you could download and view anywhere you want. You can also download it on windows, mac, Linux, and Ubuntu. And you could do your search in 18 languages, so don't worry, if you don't write in English.

Their free tool is good for most bloggers. The pro is even better, and their pricing is a pay as you go model.

A great tool to check out.

15. Scribbr

Scribbr is another great plagiarism checker with a good UI.

They have a database of 60 billion web pages and 30 million publications to make sure there isn't plagiarism in any of your content.

Their tool is comparable to many of the top tools in the market including Grammarly and Quetext.

The only thing is that there isn't a free version that you could try out. But their prices aren't that bad.

For a small document up to 7.5k words, you pay 18.95$.

For a normal document up to 50k words, you pay 28.95$

For a large document bigger than 50k words, you pay 39.95$.

Almost all languages are supported here. And the tool takes around 10 mins to check your content.

If you really want to go deep in your search, this is one of the best tools to check out, since they are already partnering with the famous Turnitin software.


Plagiarism may make all that you do completely useless and destroy everything that you have built over the years.

To fight it, and make sure your content is free of plagiarism, this post contains 15 tools that are free and paid to help you solve this problem once and for all.

I usually use Grammarly because I already use it to edit my content and make sure there are no problems in grammar or styles.

Which tool did you choose to use and why? Tell us in the comments below. I would love to hear your thoughts.

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  1. Nice Way for Blogging, and Amazing All Post that share by you.
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  2. Hi,
    Good to see you here for online plagiarism checker tools for bloggers and having right article to see you here.

  3. Online plagiarism checker tools for bloggers and having right article to see you here. It’s a really good article for us. This tool help us in our practical life. Thanks for sharing this type of article..

  4. Hi, it is a good list of plagiarism checkers. These checkers really are helpful. I was wondering which premium plagiarism checker do you suggest or recommend for new bloggers?

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